Kings Royal Driver History

“Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

This summons is being served to let it be known to all the people across the land, including the Kings, Queens and their Courts, The Emperors, Dukes, Nobles, Knights, Marquis’, Earls, Counts and Pages – When the checkered flag falls and the dust settles on July 19th, in the year of our Lord 2025, a man will have conquered what only twenty-two other men have accomplished. After he has been crowned by the Royal Sovereign, history will have been made, and from that day forth, he shall be known as the Racing King of all Kings.”

Scroll down the page for a Feature finish chart, all-time Top Five list, plus Kings Royal Champion photos.

Feature Finish Chart


Kings Royal Driver History

* There are over 5,000 cells in this table. Please wait for entire page to load before navigating.
* Click any 'Year Tab' at the top of the table to sort results in descending order for that year's event.
* Click the 'Driver Tab' at the top of the table to sort by last name.
* Search for an individual driver using the search box to the right.
Abreu, Rico2183211916178126
Allen, Bobby1745626810
Allen, Jacob69
Allen, Joey47716
Allison, Tim10
Bacon, Brady20
Balog, Bill22194
Basinger, Tom2424
Bayston, Specner71316
Blaney, Dale46216191122412222221613107202315
Blaney, Dave103713201722124178242021
Blevins, Lance20
Blonde, Chad18
Brazier, Gary7
Brewer, Lee Jr.23521915
Brisco, Kevin7
Brown, Brian201713518106
Butler, Steve114
Campbell, Jeremy171317
Carlson, Brian24
Carr, Jim617
Carson, Shane2
Chaney, Rob21821515
Chesson, James16
Chesson, P.J.1511
Clauson, Bryan1324
Conley, Cale2312
Corbin, Billy Jr.17
Courtney, Tyler4118
Crocker, Erin20
Crowley, Tim12
Daggett, Dustin15
Dancer, Shawn19
Darrah, Cody13812241621
Davis, Bobby Jr.78921111191810211523
Dewease, Lance18
Dietrich, Danny102
Dollansky, Craig152294396762112
Doty, Brad5775
Dukes, Jason17
Dumesny, Max12
Duncan, Cole4
Duncan, Rodney2422
Eash, Chris151196
Eliason, Cory3171521714
Estes, Tommy Jr.19
Ferkel, Rick129
Fisher, Charlie112114312132020
Fisher, Dave13
Ford, Randy19
Freed, Dave23
Furr, Brad31814
Gaerte, Joe14128102443201813191816
Garrett, Harry1323
Gee, Tim15
Gennetten, Aryton22
George, Rod18
Gobrecht, Kevin11
Gordon, Jeff14
Gravel, David9314111785162493
Gray, Terry19
Green, Tim9
Gressman, Phil25241816
Gurley, Van Jr.18
Hafertepe, Sam Jr.2131911
Hannagan, Randy12141213141318132317
Harris, Tom23
Haudenschild, Jac32119172122211817231917416810202135822814
Haudenschild, Sheldon1021425244
Helberg, JoJo24
Henderson, Justin224
Herrera, Johnny14314141511324
Hewitt, Jack1017171919
Hillenburg, Andy68242425103
Hillier, Chad1911
Hodges, Rocky1615162313
Hodnett, Greg71116261513161121212
Holtgraver, Danny19
Hood, Ricky10166310914
House, Tray1422
Huntley, Kevin421991221
Jacobs, Dean13191918521
Jacobs, Kenny23221812235258811118121522221418246
Jacobs, Lee162264
Johnson, Jason328
Kaeding, Tim122461023225
Kahne, Kasey14195159
Kane, Todd2121118242332310
Kauffman, Keith1031894917
Keel, Craig20423
Kelly, Curt22
Kemenah, Chad92437593924222014197
Kent, Steve24
Kerr, Frankie13581319471017
Kinser, Kelly211719716
Kinser, Kraig13624956229515
Kinser, Mark1224416182052474811967
Kinser, Randy22
Kinser, Sheldon1820
Kinser, Steve1322312131132020231322271221181451911110812
Kofoid, Michael10
Krauthiem, Len23
Kreitz, Don Jr.112812
Kuhn, Joey21511
Larson, Kyle155
Lasoski, Danny614510517222163311731922
Lotier, Paul10614
Lower, Hank16
Lynch, Ed Jr.212416192511221482016
Lynch, Sye211213
Macedo, Carson2638
Mackison, Johnny Jr.1113
Macri, Anthony8
Madsen, Ian10141013
Madsen, Kerry2023829271915131210221017
Marks, Brent1916162331112
May, Van18
Mayes, Brock20
McCarl, Terry6973205
McFadden, James218177
McHugh, Lachlan1723
McMahan, Paul157267251611106911314185101472416
Meyers, Jason91112112211171418
Myers, Landon22
Myers, Ryan17
Nace, Jim13
Neighbors, Larry25
Nervo, Robbie20
Nier, Jim13172123177
Paulus, Brian20204171014
Peck, Justin22111923
Philo, Travis20
Pittman, Daryn1881113682315181823613957819193
Pletch, Terry21
Polyak, Paige11
Price, Robbie12
Price-Miller, Parker172015
Rahmer, Fred1610
Rankin, Craig14
Reed, Byron151711
Reutzel, Aaron241221
Saldana, Joey221891222244101171321519242321722201791611
Sauder, Kyle2314
Scelzi, Giovanni126231519
Schaefer, Todd201511
Schatz, Donny8201415148478132141448326111618721
Schroeder, Butch261024
Schuchart, Logan1512223184
Schuerenberg, Hunter18211324
Shaffer, Tim2120105651247221111231324249
Sheperd, Terry2223
Sheppard, Jeff172214231362221
Shuman, Ron862314
Sides, Jason1211216151018202013
Siegel, Steve1511
Sills, Jimmy1315118
Smith, Danny2416201918127211614221316
Smith, Mark15
Smith, Randy24
Smith, Ryan514
Smith, Stevie3122951042510512518497201924
Solwold, Jason10144
Stambaugh, Steve17
Stanley, Robbie15
Starks, Trey11
Stenhouse, Ricky Jr8
Stewart, Shane21201723212314211615151416
Stewart, Tony1023
Stinson, Jimmy923
Sweet, Brad515124733215911
Swindell, Jeff205915155376224915
Swindell, Kevin44
Swindell, Sammy42491718231012524321681519156211517412197
Tatnell, Brooke212112
Thomas, Cale18
Thomas, Kevin16
Ungar, Rick98
Veal, Jamie1920
Vogler, Rich1824
Walker, Tyler91623181913117
Ward, Chuck23
Wasson, Gus21
Wilson, Greg192216517916612413
Wimmer, Brandon1518104
Wohlfiel, Jim12
Wolfe, Lucas20211818
Wolfe, Randy16
Wolfgang, Doug616219122
Wood, Danny7616
Wooley, Greg14
Wright, Gary22
Zearfoss, Brock1620221414
Zeiter, Mike20

KR Top Five Finishes


Kings Royal All-Time Top Five Finishes

* The table below shows the total number of top five finishes in the 40 year history of the Kings Royal.
# of Top 5'sDriverBest FinishYears with a Top Five Finish
17Steve KinserWIN2010, 2008, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1985, 1984
14Donny SchatzWIN2023, 2022, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2002
12Sammy SwindellWIN2015, 2012, 2011, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1992, 1986, 1985, 1984
10Jac HaudenschildWIN2013, 2012, 2005, 1998, 1997, 1994, 1993, 1987, 1986, 1984
7Stevie Smith2nd2003, 2001, 1999, 1996, 1994, 1992, 1990
7Brad SweetWIN2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2011
6Danny Lasoski2nd2010, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2000, 1998
5Joey SaldanaWIN2007, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2000
4Johnny HerreraWIN1999, 1997, 1996, 1992
4Mark KinserWIN2001, 1999, 1996, 1989
4Jeff Swindell3rd1998, 1994, 1993, 1985
4Sheldon Haudenschild2nd2023, 2021, 2020, 2019
3Doug WolfgangWIN1990, 1987, 1985
3Dave BlaneyWIN1995, 1993, 1986
3Dale BlaneyWIN2009, 2000, 1994
3Kerry MadsenWIN2014, 2012, 2010
3Kenny Jacobs2nd1992, 1991, 1990
3Andy Hillenburg2nd2001, 1997, 1996
3Chad Kemenah3rd2008, 2006, 2004
3Bobby Allen4th1988, 1986, 1985
3Tim Shaffer4th2009, 2005, 2003
3Daryn PittmanWIN2021, 2015, 2008
3David Gravel3rd2023, 2019, 2014
3Brent MarksWIN2023, 2022, 2019
3Kyle LarsonWIN2023, 2022, 2020
2Lee Brewer Jr.2nd1990, 1989
2Jason Meyers2nd2008, 2007
2Jason Johnson2nd2015, 2003
2Rico Abreu2nd2016, 2015
2Joe Gaerte3rd1991, 1990
2Keith Kauffman3rd1995, 1988
2Craig Dollansky3rd2002, 2001
2Terry McCarl3rd2009, 2007
2Paul McMahan3rd2014, 2011
2Frankie Kerr4th1993, 1988
2Kevin Swindell4th2014, 2006
2Greg Wilson4th2016, 2010
2Brad Doty5th1987, 1984
2Kraig Kinser5th2018, 2012
2Tyler CourtneyWIN2021, 2020
2Logan Schuchart2nd2022, 2019
2Carson Macedo3rd2022, 2020
1Don Kreitz Jr.WIN1986
1Bobby Davis Jr.WIN1989
1Jason SidesWIN2004
1Tyler WalkerWIN2011
1Shane StewartWIN2015
1Shane Carson2nd1984
1Greg Hodnett2nd2003
1Rob Chaney2nd2004
1Tim Kaeding2nd2013
1Christpher Bell2nd2017
1Ricky Hood3rd1989
1Charlie Fisher3rd1993
1Todd Kane3rd1995
1Brad Furr3rd2000
1Sam Hafertepe3rd2009
1Cory Eliason3rd2018
1Steve Butler4th1987
1Joey Allen4th1988
1Kevin Huntley4th1991
1Craig Keel4th1992
1Brian Paulus4th2004
1Jason Solwold4th2007
1Justin Henderson4th2012
1Brandon Wimmer4th2013
1Cole Duncan4th2017
1Lee Jacobs4th2018
1Joey Kuhn5th1991
1Kasey Kahne5th2002
1Dean Jacobs5th2004
1Brian Brown5th2016
1Ryan Smith5th2017
1Danny Dietrich2nd2021
1Bill Balog4th2021

Kings Royal Champions


Click any driver name in the table below to view a victory lane photo from that year!

 Kings Royal Champions by State:
Indiana 10  |  North Dakota, Ohio 6  |  Tennessee 5  |  California 4  |  Oklahoma 3  |  South Dakota,  Pennsylvania 2  |  Arizona, Australia, Connecticut  1